I get a great laugh out of reading the tall "Super Soaker Whip Wash" sign on Fulton Avenue when I pass it. So I knew that I had to stroll in and get my whip washed to see if there were more laughs awaiting me on this large, vacant-looking lot.

I wasn't disappointed. I began talking to Ty, 22, who has been an employee there for about a month now. I never thought of this location as a functioning business because of how deserted it looked, but I was pleased with the reasonable prices and polite employees that I met upon my arrival. However, in the following interview I learned that the sign I'd become so amused by did not represent the business after all!
When Ty suggests for visitors to check out the car wash when they come to Baltimore (at the :57 mark), he calls the business "Peachtree". I personally like the name Whip Wash better, but with these great prices, they can call this business Pimp My Ride for all I care!
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