So far there have been many Baltimore City Police running to retire or even resign due to the pension changes set to take effect on July 1, 2010. We aren't just talking about the police officers, though. There have been sergeants, lieutenants, EMT's, Paramedics, and fire fighters putting in their paper work as well.
These are the people who risk their lives everyday to help protect the residents of Baltimore City.
But let's face it: if you live in Baltimore, the protectors who seem most prominent are those boys in blue. If the high rate of retirees results in a shortage of officers (especially ones in high ranks), what kind of trouble will the city be in for? This is especially important to think about when we hear of young officers like this one abusing their authority. (Thanks, Baltimore Sun) Are we sure we want examples like this remaining to take care of our city?
On Facebook, some Baltimore City residents opened up and told me where their feelings lie when it comes to Baltimore City Police. Here is what a few of them said:
Crystal Sewell and Elex Taggert:
Fuck Em...
Stephen Felton:
I enjoy getting pulled over and then let off with a warning 'cause they have nothing to arrest me on...
Jessica Reid:
I think there are some good officers out there but it's overshadowed by the idots that's there. How as an officer are you gonna enforce the laws but you don't know the law? That's my problem with the city police.
Leon Foy:
BCPD: they are slow to investigate, quick to accuse, and they never know anything about the people they protect or the laws they enforce...Western District.
It looks like some residents wouldn't miss some Baltimore City Police if they stepped down. How would you feel?
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